Saturday, July 21, 2012

My Cheapskate Bathroom Makeover

I refuse to pay full price for anything, and my bathroom is no exception. However, something needed to be done about the faux marble counters and 1970s brown vanity. My cheapskate solution... PAINT!

I discovered an amazing secret. Painting laminate countertops is easy. I got excellent instructions from HGTV. Here's my process:

1.Clean the counter well. Don't you love the marble?
 2. lightly sand the counter and clean again
 3. Prime. Use any primer that works on glossy surfaces. I used two coats, letting each coat dry first.
 4. Use a quality brush when priming and painting. The only problem I have with my counters now is that if you look closely, you can see brush strokes. I think this could be solved with a high quality brush or roller.
5. Paint. Don't pay a lot of money for specialty counter paint!! You can use any color or brand of latex paint after you've primed! I used the same paint I used to paint my kitchen cabinets. 2 coats, letting each coat dry.
 6. Seal with polyacrylic. This step is huge. It's what makes your painting look like you replaced your counter and not just...well, painted. I also used 2 coats.

I love my counters!

Another cheapskate solution: Ikea for storage! I have no idea why, but I'm pretty sure I paid almost $20 for the ugly, white storage caddy. It didn't even work well. Every time I opened the doors stuff would come flying out.

Ikea shelves: $1.97 each
Ikea brackets $.50 each
Ikea wicker baskets $5.50 each

Total cost under $17.00!

My bathroom isn't totally done. I still am planning on replacing the faucet, adding hardware to the vanity and possible framing the mirror. Look for updates!